Sunday, December 28, 2014

Last Chance; day 7 (4-5 more hours)

 Published on

12/28/14 3:26 PM
Pacific Standard Time

As hours are getting closer, I am more and more cold sweating. It’s normal to cold sweat when you’re nervous right? I swear I don’t know why I am having all these types of reaction over him right now. I hate how he is making me feel, and quite frankly I don’t know anyone else who makes me feel like this. And I really hate it, I really hate it. I wish he would know how I feel right now and feel the same way and is only waiting for me to go up to him and confront him of the way I feel. I wish things were that easy, then there wouldn’t be conflicts needed. There wouldn’t be a break up and I wouldn’t need to go through all this. This is stupid. This really is stupid.
I cannot approach the new year with disappointments like this, I cannot approach the new year knowing that he is still broken up with me. I just can’t handle break ups, especially not this one, not losing him. I have lost enough people in my life, and he isn’t going to be one of them because of how much I love him and refuse to admit. I have problems I swear. I don’t start appreciating things until they’re gone. I am so stupid for thinking about this.
I mean I have gotten over my sudden realization, and now I am just spinning in the same mind circle I have been circling for a week already but just a bit more determined than before. Nothing else has changed besides that. I am still confused as ever to what I am going to do tonight, what I am wearing and how I am suppose to react to each of his response. Right now my head is blank, although there are random times where a response or two will flow in, but it isn’t an actual response where I am going to remember when I am in the middle of conversing with him. I mean are you nuts?
I can barely face him and tell him how I feel on regular basis, and now I have to confront how I feel and what I been typing the past few days? If I can barely type it out without stopping here and there you think I can actually let my thoughts leave me head? This is crazy thought. But I know I cant just not try and give up this easily, especially if I care about this relationship at all. I know I cannot. I should not and I will not. Because he never gave up on us, so now during his down time I don’t want to give up on him.
I want him to hear my heart. I have decided and I am not going to go back on the things I say, I am going to try my best not to hold back anyways. Because I know deep down there is no such thing as plan when it comes to a relationship. A relationship is two sided, and one cannot always control the result, because if you keep trying to control it you will end up losing it. Like how I have lost mine, and been in regret this whole week because of it.
Get a grip of yourself, think of what you have to say, and do what you have to do.

Crossing your fingers everyone, I am going in tonight and I need all the support there is from everyone! Pray to the god, pray to buddah, pray to cowlord or whoever you believe please. Pray for my happiness. Please mom, bless me on this, he is the only guy I want to be with, the only one I see myself happy with in the future. Please mom.

Now the question is, should i call him right now and ask if he is free or should i call later so he doesn't get time to think it over? God but if i call later and he end up doing something else, or being busy then i will do all that for nothing. I hate being in love, man this is the time i wish i never loved. Sigh

Sudden realization about two past ago

12/28/14 12:23 PM
Pacific Standard Time

In the book I was reading about love, yeah how pathetic of me. There was a children poem, which in a sense made sense and it a sense it didn’t that I’d like to share…
“Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more,
It’s just like a magic penny
Hold it right, you wouldn’t have any.
Lend it, spend it, you’ll have so many
They’ll roll all over the floor”
If they don’t love you, truly there is no reason to be holding so tight to it, threaten them, force them will not make love return. If they truly love you, you wouldn’t need to be forced to do things.
In the book it also included variables that influence falling in love, which consist of a listing of 11 items which I do respect. So here it is,
Variables that influence falling in love
1.       Similarity in attitudes, background, personality traits
2.       Geographic proximity
3.       Desireable characteristics of personality and appearance
4.       Reciprocal affection, the fact that the other likes us
5.       Satisfying needs
6.       Physical and emotional arousal
7.       Social influences, norms, and the approval of people in our circle
8.       Specific cues in the beloved’s voice, eyes, posture, way of moving
9.       Readiness for a romantic relationship
10.   Opportunities to be alone together
11.   Mystery, in the situation or the person

The need of satisfaction. It is important to address both your needs and the needs of your candidate for love. In other words, what do you want and what are you willing to give. If you want your needs met in a romantic relationship, you should first figure out what your most important needs are.
Man, reading this more and more is making me a little upset about myself, knowing that I haven’t done much for him and he have done so much for me. Its funny because that happened in the last relationship too. I give so much unconditional love to him before we were together, and when we were finally together, I stopped 99% of it, or if not, all of it. And that was one of the reason I think he broke up with me. Wow I literally just had a sudden realization.
 I hate to say this, but maybe I am the one a fault, and maybe I am the one who isn’t ready for a relationship. I thought about whether or not I was ready for a relationship before, but I was too scared to answer my own question, because I don’t think I ever was ready. Which lead me to many mistakes.
My last last boyfriend, who is also my second boyfriend literally forced intercourse. With us all stupid and new at this, he was influenced by drama, books, tv show and porn that in order to be intimate, in order to be in love, sexual intercourse must happen. He kept bringing up the topic which I didn’t like because back then I wasn’t ready for it, I didn’t even want sexual intercourse. In fact I hated it.
Honest story though, there was the one day where he was over at my house and tried to take my pants off, I refused and he just kept going, trying to take it off even though my arms were there pushing him away, trying to keep my pants on. And I cried that day, I cried because the guy I dated doesn’t know when to stop, doesn’t know that his girlfriend felt uncomfortable. Being freshly out of high school, things all seem to be happening to fast. And maybe that is why porn were resriticted to 18+, because for those who are under are just not mentally ready. Or at least I wasn’t. Let’s call him Daniel.
Daniel had so much expectation that he expected me to fill, so much things he demanded me to do. And wow, thinking about it now, it feels as if I am becoming the new him and my ex is being the old me. As crazy as this sound but I don’t get these sudden realization until now. It’s crazy how things in my brain words. God I am stupid.
When we first got together(“Daniel and I” that is), even before, he told me, “I am going to be a bad boyfriend, are you okay with that?” I didn’t say much, all I did was hug him and nodded. And that was pretty much how we got together. No will you be my girlfriend, will you go out on a date with me. I just accepted him for who he is. And of course I guess that relationship was in a way kind of a abuse. Because the first year, he had so much on going expectation that he expects me to meet.
He wanted me to write a paragraph each month about the relationship. What I liked about it, what I hated about it and how we can improve. I thought he was nuts, because honestly no one does that in the relationship. And he forces me to a point where I had to do it. And he said he would do one in return too. But to have all my thoughts written down when I have no idea what is going on or how I feel (because that’s usually me) its just plain stupid. Having me as his first girlfriend and was already that demanding. But I was desperate for his love, for his approval. I wanted to move on from my first, I wanted to forget about him, I wanted to truly be free, so I didn’t mind it. Every month he demanded and expected more, and it got stressful, I cried, we fight, but I would carry on. Things got worst when he suggested sex. I thought having sex is gross, I liked foreplay because that was something I was beginning to accept (but then back then foreplay was just kissing…even kissing, it took us 3, 4, or 5 month to get to that stage. Crazy stuff, and I guess what was even worst was I love you took me about almost a year to say it. It’s hard when you want to mean it, and with my shyiness, god I might as well die before it comes out of my mouth. And for those who knows me know I am not that cheesy to a point I will be like god I love you. Even then we I was a year after in the relationship, I love you isn’t something I would say on daily basis. And I guess for my ex is just the same thing like how I was. God now I can see a old me in him. Which is a little scary. Because if he follows my path, he isn’t going to get back with me unless I truly touch his heart and kept trying. And that’s if he doesn’t find me annoying and lose interst in me because I am chasing him. Oh god please don’t be like the old me.). so where were we before we started going all off topic here?
Oh yes, there was this one time where he tries to take off my shorts, and I cried, because if you love someone you wouldn’t force them into something they don’t want to. And I know deeply that he wanted that badly, but I didn’t. and just because he wanted it doesn’t mean he should force me if I don’t want it. And at that point he doesn’t understand that, I guess he was too blinded by male testosterone to see my pain. But at times I would cry myself to sleep thinking about it. Finally I have agreed to have sex with him when I comes to our one year, because he said that if its any longer than he would break up with me. Knowing its my weakness, he uses break up extremely often there forth. I hated that about him, but every time I wanted to break up with him, I would say no to it, because what are the chances that someone would accept me again. Back then I wasn’t popular, and to get a guy to notice me is already impossible, I probably liked him a lot, but I don’t think it ever made its way to love.
Every month, at some random time we would talk about it and he would try to get me to accept it and do the sexual intercourse early, which I refuses, because back then, I was naïve and innocent. Not understanding much sexual jokes, not to mention my strong beliefs in not having sex until after marriage. It’s crazy how they all changed now. I guess sex isn’t something I can do with anyone. And its crazy for those who can go on one night stand and be totally okay with it, because honestly that’s not something I’d do ever. I might at times maybe I would sound like I’d be down, but that’s just my boldness talking, the chances of me actually following through with it is in the negatives.
Man, I typed this originally to recite it back to the book, who knew that I would end up having that much sudden realization everywhere. Oh god geezus.

Okay I think I need to take a break and just process all these in my head now. Everything is happening so fast, oh shit.
Im still stunned.
Ill probably post another one later in the hours, when I calm myself from all these realization.

Sister is cooking KBBQ wrapped with taco stuff too. So I’ll just eat that and think things through. But oh man…I don’t think…wow…okay until later! Oh god.

Credit of the beginning goes to "Falling in Love : Second Edition (why we choose the love we choose) by Ayala Malach Pines"

Today is the day (Day 7)

Today is the day, either go big or go home because it is probably the last shot you got to get him back. Well that is if he picks up your phone and can actually make out time for you to see him and talk to him without straight rejection like last time.
Of course, there is no crying, no backing up on words and no saying nothing. Your attitude must not go overboard nor should your emotion, because once he detects that he will forsure reject it thinking that he was right the first time. Time have given some distance, but hopefully just enough to make each other miss each other just that much to talk.
Keep in mind the reasons he told you why he doesn’t want to be with you, and don’t stab him in the area. If you want, talk around the area, and slowly make your way to the area. I know that you’re patientless, but this is a critical point where you need to speak up about what you believe, filter things our and keep only the parts he wishes to hear at the downest time. I know you suck at comforting, so I am expecting a full on non critical on your part apology rather than trying to comfort someone because I know you can’t do it. And I am pretty sure he is well aware of it as well.
There are also things to keep in mind. That if you want anything to work, you have to get the right timing for everything, no trying to molest him before speech even begin, break the silence and talk about your feelings full on, because the chances of this happening again will be back down to 0 after this. It’s a long shot, but it’s the only shot.
At this point, I am not sure knealiing is any good since if he already have a terminal decision for things, the chances of changing it is hard. And he have already self convienced that he shouldn’t have you in his life, just forcing him into situations like that will only make it harder.
Talk to him like two adults, like two mature college students, don’t cry too soon, because that will devalue your cries. I hate to say this, but crying devalues each time you use it, and quite frankly you have used it quite a few times.
Giving myself the pep talk 7:45am in the morning through blogging is interesting because I can’t sleep so I have to do this. I mean its not like sleeping is a option anyways since even when I am asleep, all I dream about is him and I, me and him, me trying to get him back, and him running away and pushing me away and stuff. I mean really is nothing new, but then because I know today was the day, I guess it just makes me unless able to sleep.
Hopefully he is able to pick up the phone or else everything here wil be and shall be useless.
Let’s pray for the best and hope for the best, because I really don’t want to lose the love of my life just because we are on his downhill side. I want to be there for him at his downs just like how he have been there for me at mine downs. I want him to believe that we will work out for the best. I really truly do.

I cant believe I am this much in the love hole that I can’t dig myself out. I can at this point make fun of myself, ruin myself to get him back. Stupid things you’d do for love huh?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Wong fu Prouction, Strangers Again

Everyone in this household went to watch mockingjay leaving me here by myself, which is a little sad because I watched the midnight release with AS people. Sigh, I mean yeah I guess I had a great time but still. Is it crazy to miss someone that much? I am now unsure if its because I haven’t had a break up in a while, or with the fact that I am more emotionally attached to him that makes all the transition hard. Or maybe it’s the fact that I don’t want to completely let go. I mean I tried, but I can’t. I love him too deeply to let him go, or even imagine him being let go. I don’t want us to become stranger again, I don’t want any of that to happen.
Reminds me of the video from wongfu, strangers again.
[insert link here] -> bam

for those who doesn't have time in their hands for this amazing film, feel free to just watch the trailer, but you will only want to watch the whole thing after that. But here's the trailer! 

Every relationship goes through stages. Where and how each stage develops is ultimately up to each person. While we always hope for the best, we often can’t avoid the inevitable. Josh and Marissa are at a crossroads and their future is uncertain. Josh guides us through each stage of the relationship as it formed and as he predicts it will end up as.
In the video, wongfu talked about the different stages relationships are in, which are pretty true.
Stage 1 Meeting – First time you saw each other
Stage 2 Chase – Getting to know each other
Stage 3 Honeymoon – In relationship where you can do anything you want as a couple
Stage 4 Comfortable – Comfort you feel when your together
Stage 5 Tolerance – Excuses make to make distance
Stage 6 Downhill -the effort to try to make things work
Stage 7 Breaking up – Better to end it all.

However we missed a few stages here and there, or the stages don’t exactly happen right then and there, but eventually it lead to break up. First I thought it was ridiculous and that relationship should never be like that, but now thinking about it my past relationships were all pretty close to that besides the last one. Even though we fight a lot, we never made excuses to not see each other, and its because we can’t even make excuses, especially him, that caused this break up. Because he can’t get his priority straight.
Half of me, or probably less than half of me thinks that moving on would be better because in the end he wouldn’t want to take me back in to repeat his mistake even though he didn’t try it out. But the other 60-70% of me wants everything to work. Its probably at 80% now, but that doesn’t matter. Because my brain and my heart wants this to continue, while to him, he thinks that its only logical to break up.
I swear I have never wrote so much about one relationship in a spam of one week, I must be insane to go on to this level of writing when usually I give up on writing so easily. I guess I needed something to fill up my gap so my thinking process doesn’t go all crazy and stuff.
Why do you drive me crazy like this. Why can’t I just forget about you like how I forgot about my ex? How long does it take for you to figure out that I need you in my life or else I won’t be able to function? You idiot, letting go so easily. You idiot, you idiot. Ugh.

Night Terror (day 6)

Talk about night terror, can’t sleep longer than two hours without being waken by a night terror. God help me, my heart is pounding hard right now, still trying to absorb the shock I have taken in due to the dream.
At this point you may wonder what it is, well, its obviously about the break up. It was I guess taking place in the retreat that we were suppose to have next week, and instead of sitting in the front, he sat in the back with his close friend, who is a girl. And of course, now that we’re over, I have no right to be mad, but I am of the fact that he won’t look at me, and he would purposely turn away like if its no one’s business. I gave her the glance, and I guess she knew why and then she asked him why he broke up with me. And from there, I think someone tried to come and talk to me, but I was too busy easdropping on the conversation that I eventually pushed them away telling them to come back later because they just won’t shut up even when I tell them to. I guess eventually we were all standing during break or something (it was a movie showing in a room I guess with chairs lined up), we stood up and he and I were next to each other at one point, and he made the first talk, he said “what do you want?”
I only frowned and looked at him, thinking his crazy, “if I tell you what I want it doesn’t mean I am going to get it.”
“you might.” He smiled, which gave me this reall false impression that felt fake to begin with but I dragged him out. And she followed, which I don’t understand why, because we were having a private talk but I guess I had to do it when shes there. And its like, having to say to one person who you truly care about, how you feel about them isn’t enough yet, you have to say it to their best friends face too.
But of course, even when I said it, he still said no, but this time he said, “maybe in the future, but not now”
I begged him, I told him to try, to at least try. But he cried a lot ( I swear at some point in time he turned to a girl but idk…) we were hugging the whole entire time when we were outside by the balcony and we were both just crying, but he was really really crying.
Before anything happened, I woke up wanting to cry, extremely tired, and wish I would’ve at least heard the answer. Maybe the answer isn’t shown for a reason, maybe it’s foreseeing something. Who knows, I just know I can’t take this on any longer or else I might as well go crazy, because I feel like 2 hours of sleep is already on my way there.
Maybe packing my brain with memeories I shouldn’t remember during the first week of break up is a bad thing, and that typing a 10 page summary about the breakup and how our relationship started just doesn’t help at all.
I don’t even know anymore.
God help me, I swear if I don’t get back with him I might go insane or not sleep at all and probably die young.

Why is everything so hard to forget and get over? Maybe I am holding on to it a little too tight, I mean he seems to be sleeping fine, but then again I am not talking to him so how would I possibly know. 

How everything fit in; story of how everything came to be p2. (day 5)

Been rolling in bed since 3am in the morning till now, 5:21am in the morning. The consciousness and actualization of the break up won’t let me sleep. And seeing my ex active on facebook half an hour ago just doesn’t help but make me think he have the same problem, but then I could be wrong. Stupid social media, gotta tell you everything that you do and don’t want to know.
I guess this is just a sign that I should continue where I left off earlier today, or yesterday, or a few hours ago. Like who knew I was gonna end up not sleeping for a while.
So where was I? I think we left off at the place where we were campaigning and we won, which helped me determined that I should continue whatever was happening between me and him. So that whole summer we had one of those summer flings, the only difference is it lasted. We saw each other discreetly, never really went out on dinner however, which was the weirdest part, because I think everyone else does the opposite of what we do. That summer I think we even hit home run without declaring a status between us, which I was just plain confused about. I wanted to ask him what we were but I was afraid, well more like shy.
Thankfully everything sorta resolved (well not really), but we kinda talked about it when he spent a weekend at my house because my parents had left for mexico or something like that, leaving the house empty and I had him come over and slept over. It was the most amazing weekend, well besides the fact that we didn’t do anything productive, and I think I starved that weekend and I wasn’t up all about the keep asking him to buy food deal. But besides that I had fun, being able to spend every second with someone I care for was just a dream come true I guess. I think one of those nights something depressing came up, some thought or something, I think. And I distanced myself from him, resulting in a whole night of idk what we were even doing, but then the following day we briefly mentioned about the boyfriend and girlfriend topic. And I recall I was like, “yeah you never asked me so it doesn’t count” and he nodded, saying “yeah….” I think that was it. Yeah it really wasn’t a actual talk but hey, what else did you expect from a relationship that started with not that much talking. (haha)
A month later from then I think, or a few weeks after he asked me to go out and eat I guess. Not using the word a date or anything, but when he came, he asked if I was dressed nicely, and told me to do it if I haven’t done so. And I recall replying him with, “well unless you’re coming in a suit and flower, I am not gonna dress nice.” And that silenced him, which was kinda true, I mean he wasn’t dressing that nice, he had a oversized collar green shirt with jeans. And trust me, he could’ve done way better than that when it comes to dressing, so I was kinda glad I didn’t. plus we ended up going to Korean BBQ, which I was thankful I didn’t wear something nice for, because those oil smell stain stays with you kinda forever. He GPSed it because i think it was his first time there, it was pretty interesting how it turned out. I remember getting mad at him for not raising his hand and the service took forever (god my patience just get the best of me sometimes), and I also got into a little quarrel with him about how you’re supposed to use your hands for the rice wraps not chopsticks. And he told me that that’s how his friends and him ate, I know that day I was just giving him a hard time. And that day on the way there to KBBQ, we walked a block or two and saw one of our acquaintance, well or mine at least…awkward?
But the night didn’t turn out that nicely as he planned it I guess, but he learned something about be that day. I liked babies, because I would smile each time there was a kid that passes by the window (okay, straighting things out, babies are cute, no creepy intentions okay?). I don’t know how he lasted that dinner with me, because I don’t even think I would’ve lasted that dinner with myself. I think the whole reason why I was just grumpy was because I didn’t know how to act around him since I don’t think we ever had an actual date. And I think that was how I acted when me and my first went out on a movie date, which was our first date. I literally refuse to order food because I insisited that I wasn’t hungry when in all honesty I was just too shy to order and eat in front of him.
Later when we finished up eating, and headed back to the car, I guess I was grumpy all the way, or so the way I recalled it (when truly I don’t think I was that grumpy, but my stubbornness just refuses to let it go). But he opened the door for me, sat me down, and went to the trunk, where he got out a giant minion and came back, handed to me and asked, “Jenny, would you be my girlfriend?” and gave off this signature laugh of his, which I often admire him for. He was able to laugh off anything, its something I liked a lot about him, something I lack in having and I enjoy him having it around when we’re together.
Maybe I was with him because of all the positive attitudes. He was like the positive spot in my life, he was the bright light that drags me out of darkness when I was in one. He lights my path when it grows dark, and he is there when I am alone.
Of course, I didn’t give him a response right away. I mean yeah I thought about it a little, and I wanted to say yes, but then with my shyiness, please, it would be a surprise if I actually said anything but negative words. I don’t know if he have noticed this before, but I only say negative things or complain when I get nervous about someone, or something. So I mean, if I am super nice to you, then there’s something wrong with that picture. But that whole hour or half an hour we stayed there we just say in the car and starred at each other, I felt really bad because I know he was expecting a “yes” or something like that. Actually, he just expected an answer rather than silence treatment. And I remember clearly as if it was yesterday, that smile he initially had was drastically changed into this upset laugh, then frown, then upset laugh again.
“You haven’t answered my question yet?”
“Well….” Long pause, “I don’t know….”
[insert upset laugh here] “how can you not know?”
“I just don’t…”

I think after a while he was upset to a point where he thought I was just too scared to reject him that he said, “you know if you don’t want it, at least say it, you don’t have to pull it back” or something like that, it was pretty close idk
I mean it took forever that eventually we drove back to my house, and I still didn’t give him an answer by the end of the day, and I recall how frustrated he was, and I felt extremely bad too. He would bring it up once in a while, but I think eventually, a week or two later I accepted. I said the yes he always wanted to hear. And from there on everything was history ish.
I mean who knew 5 month and a week or so later from then we would actually break up, and who knew we would get into that many fights. I regret everything we have done, I guess it happens when you break up with someone. But I don’t know why this one is just extremely hard to get over.
I don’t even know why I wrote so much about me and him and our history here when I never wrote about any of my other exs. I guess he is literally the only one I actually cared this much about. I mean hey, if I can’t sleep for a week because of him, that must mean something, like he is special or something. I don’t know how he is doing right now, but I wish he could text or call him or something…
God I think something is wrong with me to be up this late continuing to write about us when there isn’t a us anymore. What am I even doing, I should be sleeping too. Life really just makes me upset sometimes.
I guess this is more productive though, I mean 45 minutes just passed by while typing this. 5:51am now, I mean its not like I like the fact that time passed, but I have decided that I will call him tomorrow night and go over to his house and talk with him over. I had everything planned in my head, but sometimes I question the things I plan in my head so I don’t know how well this is going to go.
I wanted to talk it over, apologize for all the things and problems I have caused him. Apologize for having him lose himself in the process of this relationship, apologize for losing his priority, for losing time with his project, education, academic, work, friends, and family because of me. For being unable to stay on top of his work because of me. Apologizing for insisting on spending certain times together when I know he already have other agendas to deal with. Apologizing for everything that he was ever upset about the relationship, apologizing for the fact that all those assets lead him to not want a relationship. Its partially my fault that he ended up here. And I think the talk about how I am disappointed in him just doesn’t help that day when we broke up, because during text, I recall him saying that a lot people have been disappointed in him recently, from close friends to family because of how he doesn’t do well in school work and home because he can’t prioritize his time.
I want to tell him that I want to work with him through his struggle, that I would make time for him and he doesn’t have to always make the time for me as long as he rememebers I am there. That I will be there for him and support him until he gets up off of his feet. I don’t want this relationship to break up just because of this, I want it to be stronger, I want him to believe in us, believe that we can pass through this together rather than breaking apart. I don’t want him to have to face everything by himself, I want to be there for him just like how he had been there for me. He just means that much to me. And it crazy that none of these words will probably ever come out of my mouth because of how inward I am when it comes to talk about feelings. I guess it really takes a break up for my feeling to surface up and touch my outside, but its too late when that happened. Stupid self.
I want him to see and believe in me, believe that I will assist him to do his best so he doesn’t have to be alone, that he doesn’t have to go through all these alone. I want to spend every last moment with him until the end of dawn, whatever that means. I love him a little too much to leave him behind, and I hope he feels the same way about me. It’s not about following the heart or the brain, its not about which one comes first, its about how you can put two together and still make it work. And I want to help us to do just that. I don’t want to pain us anymore with the break up, and I don’t want to spend the rest of this year not being with him, and I don’t want to spend my 2015 regretting not doing a thing about it because I truly love him.
This sound like the cheesyiest confessional letter I have ever wrote in third person. I am not sure if I ever will have the guts to share it with him, but there will come one day when that happens if things worked out of the best. I don’t want to lose him, I really don’t. and at this point I think everyone around me, which is just 3 friends I guess, knows how much I care for him, and I hope he can see it too.
I really hope I can survive through the next 36 hours fine, because it will probably take 36 hours until I finally approach to call him and see if I can meet with him. I am going to take my chances. And I hope everything will turn out for the best, and when I say the best, I don’t mean what he meant by the best, what he believes to be the best, but what actually is the best for both of us.
Please let a miracle happen. 6:08am

Friday, December 26, 2014

How everything fit in; story of how everything came to be (day 5)

(warning, the style of writing is those quick writes, i write what i come to mind, unless i word things wrong, i don't back space, so you may see me repeat a few things here and there, it just shows how legit this is, coming fresh out of my brain without modification.) #respect

I feel like I will be far more active now in compare to before because of the break up. Does it make me sound like someone who doesn’t have a life? I hope not. Haha, its just I used to use up so much of my time in the relationship that time went by so fast, now that that part of my life is over, a lot of slots just emptied out. And I really am not used to it, maybe that is why I have such an urge to get back with my ex, because I want to quickly refill that hole that was once covered. Like body want to stay hemostasis, my mentality likes the fact that it is packed with things to do and heart capacity is used to having a company inside there. And now its empty, its craving for someone new or something to fill it up. Lucky for my ex, he have so much things he needs to do that I don’t think he will be needing to worry about filling that space up.
I hate the way he thinks, the way he believes that it is okay to just leave the relationship just because he doesn’t have the time for me. I know sometimes (which is most of the time haha) I am hard to talk to, especially listening to other people’s opinion. To me, my personality is either my way or no way, and usually people around me are all really lenient when it comes to decision making, and most of the time I help them make the decisions because they either respect me for the advice or they really just don’t care and would go with anything. I love and hate that about everyone around me, because one, I get to take in control about practically everything we do, and at the same time it could sound like other people’s idea, so I am not dictating and people don’t realize that, and I get what I want in the process. However on the other hand, it makes people really dependent on my decision making that sometimes it just frustrates me, because when I am stressed or really truly tired from school, or from just all the decision making, I still have to end up making the decisions.
Speaking of which, it reminded me that there is a student government retreat coming up in January. What you guys don’t know is my ex and I share the same cabinet when in comes to student government. So unlike other relationships, where I don’t have to see them if it doesn’t work out, this one I actually have to see until the end of Spring, well unless we both decide to run again and win by some lucky chance, which I kinda doubt.
It’s been a while since I was gone I might ask well inform everything all at once so I don’t have to keep going back every single post when it comes to something I need to talk about from the past. So simply, I knew my ex (the one who broke up with me a few days (2 btw) before Christmas (damn Grinch)) long before we actually officially knew each other. I guess we can call ourselves acquaintances  if anything. We were classmates a year back in Fall 2013, he sat right next to me ironically, and we did some how exchanged number in the middle of the semester when I asked him if he wanted to study one day because I kept slacking off and I thought studying would be nice with a classmate, and in addition, I was going to be absent, so I thought I could get notes and homework from him. Plus he sits next to me and stuff so it all makes sense. He would from time to time pick on me, slam my phone down the desk and tell me to get off of my phone because I would play my games (Hayday) or watch Netflix (I think at that time was desperate housewives, but I am not too sure, some drama…wait okay I am sure its desperate housewives…yeah…yeah that was what it was…ahhh I never get to finish it though…but I should). But then I would get frustrated, because one, I don’t even know him and he is slamming my phone to my desk? And two, he isn’t so much better himself since he was using his phone too. But that was pretty much all there was to that friendship, nothing more besides classmate.
We never talked again because I mean I texted him one time, about what our homework was, and yup, no respond, and I was like fine, move on to the next person. Honestly, I just said screw it. Little did I know that his screwed up phone never received my message (and that’s why you don’t have Samsung, because iPhone rules the world, sorry Samsung and Asian world). Anyways, it wasn’t until a semester later in Spring that we met up again. Well I mean I am pretty sure I met him else where and we probably passed by once or twice, maybe exchanged eye contact or something but nothing else. But anyways, I decided to run for student government because I was in publicity committee for student government that semester, and it turned out fun, I enjoyed what I was doing and I thought to myself, hey I can do this for longer term and actually get the credit for doing it? Sign me up! And a little before that I officially befriended with two friends that changed my future forever. Those two friends I met aided me and decided to join me and run for office (of course for different positions, or else we wouldn’t have been friends, haha just kidding), and soon we decided to run together as a slate (or so they call the group that runs together these days). As we soon finalized the decision, we starting grabbing people who were interested in running, of course trust worthy people. Along the road there were people who was unqualified for the positions and of course had to drop, but then for those who stayed for the ride, we became closer. And surpsingly enough, the guy who I met a semester back that never texted me back? He was invited in our slate by one of my closest friend. And from there sparked happened. I mean it wasn’t much of a spark that happened because the funny thing is the close friend I was talking about is actually gay, and he and I had the same tiny crush on the third guy we were both friends with, the three musketeers who first started the slate, I guess we can call ourselves the founding father and mother of the slate. The third guy (I guess that will be his name for now) was attractive, well, a pretty boy. And of course when you see a pretty boy, you would go all awh over him, and that’s what we did. Ironically enough, none of us got him, (of course) but oppositely I got closer with the guy I met from a semester ago that was in my class. Yes, within a few month he was my ex (well not my ex ex, what I meant was he became my boyfriend, or the guy who is now my ex. Get it? Sorry for the confusion).
The way we got together wasn’t really that that romantic, I mean we started out giving longer and longer goodbye hugs, and of course, my heart would race faster and faster each time we hug longer, and soon it became a thing to hug longer. And I didn’t want anyone in my slate to find out, and I don’t think he did either (or probably under my influence he didn’t want anyone to find out) but I would stay extra long, extra late on purpose even though I am super tired just to be the last one out the house when we work together, or the last one to leave (since when we work we usually work at his house since my ex’s house is the closest with a 5 min drive in compare to everyone else’s house). But trying to get closer to him was hard because I don’t think he ever noticed or tried to get my signals early.
There were times where I drove him home, and I would wish for a kiss, lean my face super close to his, sometimes close to his lips, nothing. It look about half of a month after I met him that we begun those hugs, and it took a whole month or two from the time we officially became a little closer that we kissed. It was awkward at times because I don’t know when to let go, in the beginning I remember those nights where we would hug for hours. I loved the feeling of him holding me in my arms, it felt extremely nice to have someone to hold me in their arms and didn’t want to let go. And it was even nicer to want to hold someone and never want to let them go. Sometimes I would wish the time would freeze right there and then and just never continue, because I’d rather die in that moment than another other time. I was happy. Only if the then me can see what happened now and prevent it all from happening.
I remember feeling started when he skipped a class for me to try to help me start my retarded car that wouldn’t start all due to stupid connection problem that even his engineering friends couldn’t help with. We were literally there for two, three hours, calling campus police, going to our college’s autoshop class, bringing his friend with his jump cord and nothing worked that we had to call my mom and with a hit of the wrench it worked. I remember showing him my vulnerable side that day, he’s probably the only one who ever saw that side of me then, and I was thankful he was the first one, because he’s the only one that I want to let, to see that vulnerable side of me anyways. I really felt so bad that day, him having to skip his class for me and he barely knew me (and at that time I think my phone died or something, or it didn’t get signals, and his phone was dying too making reaching my mom way harder). Ever since then we got closer. I guess if it wasn’t for the car, for my stupid car, we wouldn’t have gotten together. It’s crazy I never thought about that until now.
I recall clearly that that day after my mom yelled at me a little more for being useless, I told her to go home first because I had to take him to his car which was at the other parking lot, mostly I just wanted to give him a giant giant hug from being there for me because I really wouldn’t know what to do then without him that day. Especially ditching his class for me? Seriously.
Then following that event, I think the next event was when we had to film our video, and I skipped my babysitting, got yelled by my sister, got in more trouble and was punished with two extra babysitting dates in exchange for leaving a few hours to film that stupid video, only to realize our film person weren’t able to make it. (Yup, that’s right, we never got to film that video) Which got me really mad, because I sacrificed for nothing and had to double that babysitting stuff. And I had to get back at 4 o’clock that day too (not event getting a whole day off), so before we parted after lunch I think we had? I don’t remember but he and I were by my car because I think he dropped me off there, and I hugged him and gave him a, then what I considered as “long-hug” hug ( I would say maybe 4 minute?), which really wasn’t that long in compare to all the hugs that followed it, but back then that was the longest hug I’ve had, and plus because I was already running late to return back to babysit I really couldn’t give him a hug any longer.
But from there on forward, the next time I remember giving him those long hugs were just days after we work on posters and banners together. We would get those orange and white banners from the office and with his markers, we spent hours after hours working. Oh wait, no…we were working on our personal statements that is required to petition for campaigning, yeah that’s it. So we would work from afternoon to past night time at his house. From sitting on the couch properly, to lying on the floor crying over not knowing what to write and whether the quote that we put into our statement was good enough because one person had to start the stupid quote thing. I mean yeah we look all professional dequoating the quote and relating it to our position and why we’re running but looking back it is just funny how we struggled over them more than our personal statements. Well, or at least I did.
Anyways, I really wanted to leave at one point because staying up late and having to drive 30 minutes home really just wasn’t my forte. It never was and to be honestly honest, I have never done it (the driving after 12am part….well besides when I used to work at teaspot until 12am, but that’s different) and to do that all just for long hugs from him is just about the craziest thing I have ever done then. I said bye to everyone, and as they all drove away one by one, leaving just me and him, he walked me to my car, which really was only 0.1 block away from his house. Then from there we would hug for 3, 4 hours, and the craziest thing is I wouldn’t feel cold, I wouldn’t be tired even though back in the house, while lying down I was tired as heck. And I remember asking him if he was tired while hugging me, and he said that surprisingly he wasn’t either. Its funny how things turned out. We didn’t say much, in fact, we didn’t say anything at all, we just stood there, by my car, and hugged. I loved it, every single second of it. The hug made me warm, I guess mostly was because it was a new love, it was exciting, it got my heart beating. It made me feel something I haven’t felt for a long time, while driving home, I questioned myself if it was wrong, that whether or not it was just a fling that would end. Maybe it was just because I wanted a relationship badly that I felt that way then. I told myself it’s just a phase and it would fade away, and I shouldn’t be putting much expectation in it. (After that day, I think we had a couple more times at his house, where we would hug long time just being there…I think…) I would always want to progress things by trying to lean towards his face, but he is so slow that he never sees it or he tries to avoid me. Sometimes I would drive home questioning whether or not he likes me, I really don’t understand boys. I would have those dialogue with myself, being like, “does he really like me?” “is this really just a fling?” “what is he doing? Is he stupid?” “is he trying to avoid my face?” “am I not making it obvious enough?” “does he not want to kiss me?” “what if he doesn’t like me?” “if he doesn’t like me, then why will he give me those 4 hour hugs? You’re over thinking…” sometimes I would just tell myself to stop making logic, and that the time will come when it comes.
There were a time where I drove him back to his house because I don’t know where we went or why he needed a ride, but anyways, while driving back, because my headlight was off I got pulled over by the police, and I don’t think that was the first time I got pulled over either ( I think it was the second or third that month, its just really not my month that month, I mean its not like I got tickets or anything, but just having a cop going after you scares the crap out of you okay?) but afterwards (thank god she didn’t take a record and only gave me a warning because I didn’t have my registration), but we just stayed there, I was scared to my death, my body was shaking for the terrifiediness of being pulled over so many times, and how close I was to paying for a ticket for not having my headlights on. And the thing was, we got pulled over right when we were about to approach his house, where I am dropping him off (literally like 0.3 blocks away) but we both stayed in the car, I leaned all the way onto the passenger side of the car, I never admitted it to him that I recall that night or recall what I was doing, but I really was approaching for a kiss. I remember leaning super close and falling asleep near him, wanting him to have some kind of response, yeah kinda lame I know, but I mean we were already doing long term hugging, why doesn’t he get the signal that I wanted a kiss? (he later admitted that he was slow ha-ha, well I am slow when it comes to love too so its really okay, especially since it was kinda his first time)
But there were another time, I am not sure if it’s the same time where he asked me if I want to rest a bit in his house or a different time, but some type of time some day, idk when or why, I know I was tired or something and he asked me if I wanted to rest in his house. Oh wait wait…I think it was the day we were making the banners. He and I was the last one remaining in his house, so we sat there on the couch, I was using him as a pillow ish, and we just sat there after things were all cleaned up, and I think I complained about being tired? And I think he offered his room (yes for me to rest, don’t get the wrong idea from someone who can’t even pick up a when to kiss signal) for me to rest, and I agreed and asked him to give me a piggy back ride to his room. And I wrapped my arm around him from the back by the neck for a good period of time, and we just sat there because he takes forever to move, well not to blame him, but I think we were just both enjoying being alone at that time, by then, I know for sure that we both had feeling for each other, because of the way we acted. That was probably the climax of he climax when it came to the chase. We both had our hearts racing for each other and with the silence of the room, we just hugged. He eventually carried me to his room (he sucked at piggy back rides, and still does, because he can’t hold people by their legs, I don’t understand why) but I recall there were a lot of laundries being hung, and with his room behind the laundry room, having me crashing into hangers a lot was just unpreventable. I was totally fine though. I thought then was the time where we were gonna kiss, but then we were even further apart that we were when we were on the couch. And discovering the fact that he had a boner from all of that and was trying to cover it with his pillow was the cutest thing ever (because I think I discovered it since we were at the living room). We just lay there as I rested, of course, we didn’t do anything but resting since the stupid guy doesn’t get the signal to kiss at all I don’t think there was a point to explain my face leaning close to his. It’s like pure rejection but knowing that it wasn’t really an purposeful rejection.
Then it’s the banner time (I think…sorry I have to keep going back and forth, its been half of a year since all that, well more than half of a year so its really hard to keep track of what is going on and stuff), which is quite similar to the time where we typed our personal statement. The only difference is the last few people who stayed was Leo, Irving me and him. And when finally everyone left, my car was parked on his driveway. We hugged then and there, and I guess he finally got the signals then or something I mean he kissed me. To be honestly, before our lip touched, I was resistant a bit, not because I don’t want to kiss him, because unless you haven’t read any of the paragraphs up there, not wanting to kiss is the last thing there is. It’s just I wasn’t sure if I was truly ready to move on, if I was ready for everything. If I was ready to start something with him, because before, all those hugs, yeah it meant something, but isn’t as much in compare to kissing. Because kissing its like knowing something more serious is going to happen, and usually it leads to a relationship, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it. But of course I went for it anyways since you guys all know the ending to the story.  According to him, he was confused and a lot of things were going on in his head too. He doesn’t know what he was doing. And according to his “ex” that he was with for what? A week? They broke up because he wasn’t a good kisser or according to him it was part of the reason or something like that. And I could see why, I mean he was practically trying to eat my lips or bite it off. And I didn’t want to ruin it, but after a while I had to tell him, things got better from there, and did I mention it escalated quickly? I mean okay, its not that quickly, but quickly enough. I mean we were there probably kissing for an whole hour or something, because I remember my mouth muscles being extremely sore from kissing that passionately, but I didn’t want to stop it since I waited for so long. My hands ran and explored, of course he followed my lead, which was a little funny because I don’t think he knew what he was doing.
But somewhere along the night my hands got into his pants. I mean at first he was struggling a little, I guess it as his first time, and it all happened to quick (well I mean a hour of kissing leading to that? Yeah it isn’t too quick, but for first time I guess it may have moved too fast). I really don’t remember much else besides that, but I swear that was the furthest we went, well for that day anyways.
Wow, I just typed 5 page font 11, single spaced about my ex and how we came to be. This is crazy how much I can write and I don’t even feel tired. Haha, I should probably print a copy and give it to him to let him read it so he knows my perspective too, and add his own perspective in there. He better not grammar check if I do, I swear.
But that was how everything started I guess. At one point, we talked about it in the car, later on as a month passed from then. I told him that if we didn’t win the election, I would probably not see him again, or anyone for that matter. And he gave me a positive pep talk about how if I want to stay in contact with people all I have to do is to make effort to do so, and the rest will be easy. But with my past experiences with friends, it is impossible to stay in contact with the people you wish you could’ve the most. Then I think a part of me have decided that I didn’t want this if I didn’t win the election, because back then, we didn’t have a title to ourselves, not boyfriend or girlfriends, nothing. We were just simple friends who campaign together and went on to second or third base depending on each person’s definition.
Yes, in the end we did win, the whole slate did, (thank god), or else I might’ve had to quit college, just kidding but still. I was happy, I got to stick with my gang and I get to stay with him as well. And so of course it continued as spring semester ended and summer hit. However, we were so disclosed about our relationship that no one knows about it. But sometimes I would question it myself, since I don’t even know myself what kind of relationship this is. He never asked me to be his girlfriend, we never declared to be in an actual relationship, and furthermore, he never asked me out onto a date. Which is the craziest thing, because we were just awkwardly never titled and with each other. At one point, I really didn’t know if he viewed it as a friends for benefit thing or a muti-one night stand with the same girl type of thing. It really did confused me for the longest time, and that’s something I never had the guts to ask him. I mean what are you even, or how are you even supposed to ask? How are you even supposed to start the question in the first place? It’s like you cant.
I just waited and waited, hoping that one day he would get the hint that we didn’t have title and ask me or talk to me about it.

And I think it wasn’t until finally in the end of the summer where he brought it up.

Of course that is a story for another time, probably tomorrow since my arm, hands and fingers really hurts from all that typing and my nephew wants to watch the hobbit tomorrow too. So its like what what what?

Until tomorrow!                        


Post Break Up; day 5

Is it normal to feel the way I feel right now after a break up? Is everything I do going to make me think of him? How do you forget one person to start with? It's been a while since I broke up with a love one so its a bit hard. And looking back at all my relationships, the only one I actually broke up from was the recent one. My first boyfriend, we weren't even that close emotional wise, I barely got to know him, and without giving him a chance I just left him. I pretended that everything was okay, and that there was no future between us because he said he was going to join the Navy. I could never see past his flaws, and tend to look down on him all the time. I hated that about myself, but my parents played a huge part in my high school life when it comes to influencing, and my siblings are just not helping when it comes to that part either.

I knew the mistakes I made, that I shouldn't be judging him by that, but I couldn't stop myself. It is really stupid thinking about that now, but I really don't know what else to think about. None of my relationships were ever successful, and I think majority is my fault, and that's something I haven't come in terms with. I always think I am on top of things and that I am the priority when its actually not true. I hate myself and my thought process that tend to drive others to the corner, and I guess that is why I don't have friends because people cannot take my attitude.

It is extremely hard for one to change their behavior not to mention admit it or discover it.

Back to my first, he begged me to stay in the relationship with me, but all I ever do is reject him and hurt him. I don't understand why after all that he still keeps coming back to me. He really does love me at one point, yet I let someone who loved me perfectly well go. In return, I chose someone who hated me, who never liked anyone. If anything, he is quite opposite of me, I guess when you break up with someone, and you try to find rebound, you tend to find someone who is opposite of who your ex used to be. And for me that case was my second boyfriend, which was just a like that soon turned into a two year relationship.

I feel like I have tendency to want to hurt myself, to want to give up what is best for me, and what I want. I don't understand my thinking process and I am stubborn sometimes that it prevents me from seeing what I should've done, and the things I should've change in order to sustain the goods I want to stay in my life. Something I need to work on since the beginning of time that I yet to realize until now. And the chances are, even after today, after typing these and realize this, I will forget about it, or have it on the back of my head that cause me to reenact the whole thing again. It's like, stupid me, never learn from my mistakes. Maybe I do deserve whatever is coming to me, including this break up.

The truth is, this relationship, even though only sustained 5 month, is the one I obtained the most love, and give the most love to. I accept him (present) for the way he is, I see his flaws, and I take them in. I don't look down on him or judge him. It may sound like something everyone should be doing, but not for me. I judge people a lot, and for me to pass that, that is something impressive. I couldn't believe it when I first realized it either, and it shocked me. Of course, the shock didn't last that long, or else I would've had a massive shock attack of some sort.

At this point, I don't even know what I am typing. I don't understand why it helps me think so much clearer once I type it or write it rather than just think about it. Things gets cleared up, and I actually make logic happen instead of just going off of nothing and keep getting butt hurt from everything else.

Sigh, I might as well just get with my blog, at least its like a wall, doesn't need a response, and won't react to my bad attitude. ha.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Break Up before Christmas

There is a lot of things I honestly don't think I'd ever understand about relationships, but one of the biggest thing is, if two love each other, why wouldthey let each other go like that? Present, who I thought would last longer, who I thought was able to work out with me obviously didn't. Maybe it's because of my attitude (it is, probably 70% because of that), and just the fact that I am extremely unreasonable.
He claims that during the relationship, he lost himself, he lost his priority, and he lost everything he ever cared for before the relationship. And it's true, because of the relationship with me, he dropped math twice, and with the D he got in Fall 2013 (while taking the same math class as me), it marks the 3 strike rule and made him unable to take the same math class at the same college. And that caused him to have to take it at a different college, only to have him drop it again later on that semester, because he couldn't spare time for the class, espeically with the fact that it's in the early morning just doesn't help (since our hangout usually ends late).
After talking to my favorite couple of the century, let's just call them Candice and Kaito. It made me felt how unresovled me and my Present's problem were, how we couldve done it better than just break it there. They have their own struggles, from finaicial struggle to other things like school and etc. Making it extremely hard for them to have time for each other, but they still end up having time for each other. As crazy as it sounds, they been together for what? Nearly two years or something like that, yet we can't even get through 5 month without a talk of breakup. It's really interesting after talking to them, because they have actually struggled through more in the relationship, but they tolerated and try to find a way to see each other even through there is a lot of struggle. Candice, with financial struggle, works three jobs not including student governemnt just to try to help pay bills around the house, making it nearly impossible to hangout with Kaito, her boyfriend. The only time they ever hangout is probably late at night when he picks her up from either work or school, which is the sweetest thing since they live so far away from the college, and he is willing to drive all the way to pick her up. I admire them, but I can't compare our relationship with theirs because they were really close friends before getting together, so I mean when you're already mentally close with them, communication is the least of your issues, so is working through your problems.
What bothered me a lot is when I think about Present's fear of being unable to handle things. It led him to believing that he is unable to be in relationship and work at the same time. Yeah, he is an engineer major, and have a strong desire to work on projects, which he haven't done for a while because of all the other things, he have an internship which he can't focus on fully (well okay i never really forced him to ditch it, he insist on staying the second time, and the first time he left early, and it ended up not really for me anyways), and with student government (which he screws up a lot in because maybe I kept him up late at night and take up a lot ofhis time and stuff), plus family (which he is never there for because he rather hangout with his friends, me, or go to school events than stay at home. At a point in his life, which was recently, he actually wants to find a job just to move out and try living his own life. Yeah, I understand he want to try to gain independence, do what he wants, and not be controlled by his family, but what he doesn't understand, well to me anyways is how he should treasure the time he is able to actually be in that house. I mean there are lots of time where he can go independent after he transfers, not now, because that'd just be stupid, especially when he lives 5 minute away from the school. I mean he might as well use all that energy and effor for school than to have the desire to find a job and move out. I mean its not like his parents harrase him or anything anyways.) But pretty much, from all the concerns there is up there, many he leads it back to the relationshtip, and he never talks with me about it. It isn't one's job to try to figure out the problem, but two's job to try to communicate and solve it together, and he isn't doing exactly that, which fustrates me. He rather run away from the relationship, thinking that he would half ass the relationship, and believing that he won't end up being true to himself by sticking with the relationship than try to work it out. I mean if we still loved each other, which obviously was true, then I don't see why there is a break up that is needed. I rememeber from that night, I kept wanting to not let him go, but only result in him pushing me away, and all he says are either "no, no matter what you say, my mind is already set", "you can't hold on to me forever", "this is just gonna make it harder on you", "if you truly love someone, let them go"..etc (there were more, but then I think these were used way more than the rest that were said.
First of all, I never really understood the "if you love someone, let them go" part. If i love someone, I find ways to try to make it work, and if it truly doesn't work, then yeah I will be understanding to the situation, but he haven't even tried and he already move on to the let it go part. And there is a second part to it, "if they come back, then they're for you to keep...blah blah blah" but I feel like under Present's definition, once Iet him go, he is going to never come back. He is the type of person that is stubborn on the things he say, and I am stubborn too, so I guess i kinda understand how it works. Too much self pride to be giving it up.
I recall that day of the break up, he keeps saying that I devalue myself by keep begging him to stay. He told me that I should have more self-respect than that, and I shouldn't be so selfish to the point where I can't even  let him go, because, and I quote "he doesn't even want a relationship, he isn't ready for it, and it is because of the relationship that made him lose a sight of who he is, and what he believes in. Because of this relationship, he lost track of his priority."
When I heard it, I knew it was true for some of them, and I kind of understood how he felt, it made me want to be there for him, want to help him through the rough time. I want to be by his side even though he doesn't belive it will work out for the best. I am willing to give up time with him, I just simply want to be by his side like how he have been by mine through my rough time. But no mattered what I felt, I felt its too late for them, because he have his mind set on it, and to him, there is no other solution around it than to break it.
Part of me tells me that I should leave him alone, and give him time, but another part of me just wish that he gives us one more chance, and not a one day chance like he did then, but a chance through a time period where he can decide for himself whether or not its working. It hurts so much, being broken up with two days before christmas, it hurts so much to see peopel toast to their love ones, blessing the new upcoming year, and you have no love one to think of to toast to. It hurts to rememeber inside jokes and want to share with someone only to realize they are not avaliable for you to share it with.
Some part of me tells me that everything is going to be okay, that eventually it will turn out for the best, and that I should stop worrying, but another part of me just wishes that everything isn't like this, and that he wouldn't have broken up with me that fast, and that if I hadn't ask him to come over that night things wouldn't have turned out like that.
I don't know anymore, I don't know how i am suppose to feel at this point. Coming over to my sister's house, and in the room was the doll he gave to me when he first asked me to be his girlfriend just makes everything worst. I mean in a sense there was closure looking at it, but there's spots where it pains to think about it. It's funny how stupidly happy we were back then, how innocent we were then, if back then we were to see what is going to happen 5 month from now, I wonder if we'd make the same move, the same choices to get where we are today. Or would we choose to stop it there, and make it painless.
If we were to get together a year earlier when in math class, would things have turned out differently? If he was to actually get my text, and I was able to agree to hangout with him, and things have turned out for the best, would we have still broken up 5 month later? There were so many different point of my life where I wondered so much about that, wondered what I could've done differently, and what happens if none of these ever happened.
What if I went to cal state LA instead of where I went today? Meet different types of people, and wouldn't have any of these experiences I had experienced. There's just so much things going through my head that it hurts to look back into it.
I wonder what he is thinking about right now, and what he have been thinking these past few days, and how he dealt with the break up. Probably better than me.
Its been a while since a wrote, but then there has been so much going on, writing is just not on top of my list.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cultural Difference

We been through a long time together. Been through the happy times and the sad times. It is crazy how fast time past, and yet we change even though we are still in the same place. There are a lot of things I still dont understand. Including life.

I am in a official relationship with the guy I am happy to call him my present. He is someone I am willing to accept, someone who I would spend my money for if I have to, and someone who I don't ask much from knowing he is kinda broke.

There are things which I hate about him, he is a lot of a guy, which is something I am not used to. All the people I dated, although are guys, tends to act more feminine, so when my Present came into my life, it was really weird because of how different he was from my ex. Although sometimes I would compare him to my two past, and sometime gets sad about it because I just can't see him taking care of me the way the other two in my past would. My present can't even care for himself, which worries me. He chooses to party before everything else at times. He doesn't always make the wisest choice, and he likes to have fun more than thinking about the consequencce.

The most I worry about is that he is of another race. And not just any other race either, he is mexican. I mean don't get me wrong, my best friends are Mexican, and I love them, but its just having to survive with them, and maybe last a life time, the difference in culture and food worries me. Because I know he is not going to marry into an Asian household, and similarly I wouldn't want to be married into a Mexican household. He is catholic, although thank god he is not one of those super religious people, meanwhile I don't even know if I practice a religion.

Culture difference is already enough to worry about, if I end up ,marrying this guy, I also have to worry about religious difference? I mean obviously he would respect me and not force me to go into Catholic, but its just the fact that there are still certain ritual that makes me worry.

One thing many doesn't know, including my present is that I hate Mexican food or I mean just dislike. One thing I cannot take is beans, their cooked texture is just so weird. So when my best friends and boyfriend are Mexican, and wants to bring me to get mexican food. I am just like wtf am I suppose to order when I don't even know what they have. And then I see them ordering fluently it scares the crap out of me. I hate ordering in front of certain people, which mostly entails any of my boyfriends.

Thinking about all this worries me, it makes me think about life. Every time when I feel insecure because he hangs out with his best friend, which is a girl who I don't know, it makes me worry. I know he is not the cheating type, but with the fact that he is closer to her than me, and would sit next to her and talk to her while we're in the same office instead of me, it would hurt a lot.I hate having these kind of feelings but they just happen.

But that's another story for another time.
Time to study for finals, good luck everyone who's reading this on your finals! #collegelife