Wednesday, December 19, 2012


It hurts, his final words, "you know what? Actually, I don't want to see you tomorrow." Already, lost my position in his heart, and yet, it's just the beginning of winter.

Winter is the coldest month perhaps, cause others to freeze and want to cuddle. But to me, all it's done is nothing but trouble. Current promised me his personal mobile journal as Christmas present, and yet he takes it back when he realize I no longer am trusting him with my privacy. He thinks that if he trust me with his inner most thought about everything why couldn't I trust him with things like my picture? Well, I have nothing to be ashamed of or pictures of all my secretive boyfriend affairs because obviously I have none. I was just simply afraid of him seeking photos of me. Embarrassing thoughts always runs through my head, no matter what, it's always hard for people to look at my things. I just wish he would give me some time rather than doing this and taking his diary back. Now I am stuck once again. Was it wrong to just wanting to hang out with him unconditionally? I didn't say I don't care I just want to hang with him, but what I meant was no matter what we do, I wouldn't mind as long as I am with him. Well, maybe he doesn't get it. But of course, no guys gets women's concepts. Or else life wouldn't make sense now would it?

He finally gave me a decision, if I were to appear at the front of his house with a day plan then he would spend tomorrow with me, or else don't come. And the time limit was 9:20 - 9:30. What to do? What to do?

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