Wednesday, October 9, 2013


This is strange, but sometimes I find myself being irritated by everyone. It is like shit what the hell. So one of my best friend is being a bitch right now and it's literally pissing me off. So on Christmas, everyone decided to do a list of the generalization of what they want. And she would just like certain item she wants, as if she's hinting them to get them that and only that. She concluded her list saying if we were to get her anything else she will not use it, and she apologized saying "sorry, but I told you"
It's like fuck. Do you not get were not fucking all rich Santa clauses like you're guy friends? Fuck. 
And after we decided to not have a list at all she fucking post her list over and over on the damn page so I deleted it out of annoyance. I mean honestly who wouldn't. Then finally she decided to comment on every fucking post. It's like shit are you god damn desperate ? Shit. and so I suddenly realize that I need two poster frames that bitch just comes in and comment shit like oh you can't be posting this because you said that I didn't get to post it. I was like fuck, the result is that you posted it and I didn't even delete your final result god damn. And now she is insisting that if I don't delete that and comment on every post like she does instead of posting then I can't post. It's like wtf? It's my party and I hps it and I can't so what I want? Shut. 

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